Download and Install Anaconda on Windows Machine

Please follow the below steps to install Anaconda

Step 1: Open browser and go to the address "" and click on 'Download' link under 'Products' in menu.

Step 2:  Scroll down and click on 'Download' to download anaconda.

Step 3:  Click on anaconda .exe file to start installation.

Step 4:  Click on 'Run'.

Step 5:   Click on 'Next'.

Step 6:  Click on 'I Agree' to accept the license agreement.

Step 7: Keep Selected 'Just Me' and click 'Next'.

Step 8:  Click 'Next' if you wan't default destination folder or you can browser to select different location.

Step 9:  Customize how anaconda integrates with windows, I kept it as default Python 3.6 and click Next.

Step 10:  Installation Progress will Start.

Step 11:  Once installed click 'Finish'.

Step 12: Click on 'Anaconda Navigator' from start menu, following Screen will appear.


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